2018 / 2019

25 January 2019
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If there is one thing that drives a high-quality life, it is taking the time to enjoy what you have accomplished, reflect upon the mistakes you have made and dream about the road ahead. A new year is the perfect opportunity to do exactly that. Writing down these words also helps me to answer the following question which we were asked many times this year: “So, what exactly are you guys working on?”

Without further ado, here is a recap of 2018 and a look ahead to the year to come.

2018, the year of integration

As with every novel idea, it can be a bit scary to truly commit to a new way of thinking. The road we took last year was still paved with a variety of questions and uncertainties. As you know, it is the journey rather than the goal that matters, so figuring out the answers and overcoming insecurities were quite enjoyable actually. What was still a bit foggy at the beginning of last year became crystal clear during the course of 2018.

Starting from a single question, about how we can increase the quality of life of people, we identified two focal points, and these two points are in essence the mission of our organisation, i.e., increase awareness about those things which colour people’s lives and develop solutions for how to deploy work, money and technology so they support our quality of life and not detract from it.

The models

This resulted in the development of three core building blocks, or ‘models’ if that’s what you’d like to call them.

The Happonomy Value Canvas enables individuals and organisations alike to determine those things that are valuable to them.

The Sustainable Money System is a new monetary design with the idea of solving most of the problems we experience with our current monetary system.

Finally, there is ‘Slingshot’, a legal blueprint to realign intrinsic value with money and work. The model can be applied as a novel approach to crafting shareholder agreements that put value first both in a start-up phase and in a more mature phase.

Raising awareness

Last year, we initiated several projects to raise awareness about the quality of life and the roles which work, money and technology have to play. The speakers in our speaker network were present at five events, inspiring hundreds and at the same time giving away 3,500 euros via their efforts. We organised over twenty-five test sessions of our board game showing the impact of money on our choices and our quality of life. The book called ‘Roadmap to Utopia’ was also steadily distributed around.

Contributing to solutions

As for real ‘solutions’, the brunt of the work focused on the answer to the question about how we can build value-driven organisations. We gave workshops to government officials and social entrepreneurs, and we even finalised the first version of a fully fledged technology solution called Tribeforce to build sustainable organisations and maximise the value of work.

The last quarter of the year was devoted to test-driving a trajectory for value-driven freelancers and entrepreneurs, and this trajectory worked wonderfully well. Out of this, our Federation was born, which is a group of business experts who support the creation of value-driven organisations.

If you’re curious, just explore the brand new expanded version of our website. Yes, we’ve been busy.

Above all though, 2018 was the year of countless talks, laughter and challenging ideas from wildly diverse people. There was no agenda, no ego, and no “networking”, just regular people meeting up to have a chat about the good life and their experiences, struggles or insights of the roles money, work and technology have to play.

2018 was a good year…

2019, ready, steady, GO!

Needless to say in 2019, we are excited to build on the foundations of last year. If anything, we are going to continue to work on bringing the solutions we have built to life and drive awareness further. The board game will be launched, very likely with a Kickstarter campaign, the development of the software will be furthered and we will continue to grow The Federation, our network of value-driven business experts.

To do so, we’ll build a new organisation next to the non-profit organisation which is built on the Slingshot model, unless we stumble into legal boundaries, of course. It will be deployed to develop the technology further and trigger our ‘implementation’ activities. If you want to join us, just reach out.

In 2019, two new initiatives will complement our already nicely-filled agenda. The first one is focused on education; if all goes well, we will craft an educational package for economy students to complement the existing economy lessons. Our goal is to increase awareness and critical thinking about our current system.

Secondly, we are going to organise more encounters, with one notable initiative being the Happonomy nerd-outs, which are expert sessions where people can discuss topics freely such as basic income, the role of artificial intelligence or the quality of life.

So, there you have it, that is our menu for 2019. We hope that your plans are filled with memories in the making.

Wishing you a high-quality year,

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Categories:   People of Happonomy
Bruno Delepierre

Societal entrepreneur who wants to contribute to our quality of life. Married to Soetkin, dad of Jacqueline. General coordinator at Happonomy.

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